Delridge Wetland Park |
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Delridge Wetland Park

Project Description

A wetland is a habitat of rich biodiversity. A neighborhood is a habitat of rich cultural diversity. What happens when a neighborhood has the opportunity to restore a wetland and integrate it into the surrounding community? Convene has been working to discover that answer through our collaboration with the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association (DNDA), Outdoor Classroom Design, and Gaynor, Inc.


One of the primary goals for this project is to create a unique and powerful educational resource. Our partner, Jason Medeiros of Outdoor Classroom Design, has engaged over one hundred 3rd and 5th grade students at Louisa Boren STEM K-8 (just one block away) in wetland science projects and site design activities. This work has helped generate investment and energy from the school community in the Delridge Wetland project, and modeled how the space could be used for rigorous science curriculum.


Building upon this work, the design team is working to incorporate urban agriculture demonstration, a gathering place, edible landscaping, and more. The goal is to create a pilot project that not only protects the wetland, but elevates its importance as a place for children and adults for education and sanctuary.

Project Details



Delridge Neighborhood Development Association


Outdoor Clasroom Design (Co-Design/Teaching), Gaynor Inc. (Co-Design) Fivedot Architecture (Co-Design/Project Management)
